Captivate the Wedding Jewelry Game with this 5-point guide

Royal Indian Wedding Jewellery
Wedding Jewelry 
Every girl on this planet has one dream common for sure, which is being the most beautiful bride anyone has ever seen. Dresses and heels are the two basics which a girl tries to nail, but what adds that extra charm is the wedding jewelry. Pick up a dress from branded store, pair it up with non-matching jewelry, you already know what this is leading to, right? That’s the significance of picking up a good jewelry set.
Step into a bridal jewelry shop and you’ll spot at least ten-different styles at the first glance, shimmering through the glass panels. Although every jewel is a masterpiece and will add to look of your outfit, however in order to stand out, you’ll need to pick the one that compliments and completes the look. We’ve complied the following 5-point list which will save you from the inconvenience of trying out both the dress and jewelry.

First: Match the style of dress

The dress style consists of two aspects: the embroidery work and the neckline. If embroidery work is marginal, then your best bet your best bet would a minimalist jewelry piece; and if it’s on the heavier side, then pick up a somewhat royal-like jewelry piece. And about the neckline, if it’s strapless, you can throw anything and you’ll be good to go. However, if the neckline stretches a tad wider than usual, consider getting necklaces at the first place.

Second: Match the color of gown

Not every wedding dress is of white color, there’s a certain tint or shade to it. So, if your dress’ shade is that of cool color temperature, get a silver jewelry. If the color tone is warm, jump to gold bridal ornament options.

Third: Hair-do style

If you have planned to go for an up do hairstyle, get a pair of earrings, but make sure that those don’t suppress the grace of the necklace. If down-do is your way, get a pair of stud earrings. You can opt for a no-necklace look by wearing relatively longer earrings.

Fourth: The Bride

The body structure of one also affects the charm spread out by jewelry. If you are a short person, get earrings which are shorter in length. The same goes for skinny people too. If you wear, say earrings which are heavy and lengthy, they will be a burden to your ears at the first place and also make you look like a chicken. On the contrary, if you are on the muscular or taller side, get a thicker ornament as a companion to your dress.

Fifth: Metal Mixture

Jumling metals is always on the risky side. It isn’t advocated that you should go for something that trendy for your wedding. For example, if you are preferring gold, stick to it. You can add some additives to the unit, however, keep the base metal same for all the jewels.

Be sorted regarding the above-mentioned points, you’ll bling with grace and minimalism at your wedding, as if a fashion designer planned your outfit. 
